
目前顯示的是 2月, 2010的文章


果然一回國 就被問 是要怎樣 才能躲掉相親以及親戚們的逼問..... 現在搬出高齡奶奶牌 是怎樣>.<

New Start

昨天一直在整理行李 以及鋪上好厚一層灰的房間 不小心看到之前和你交往的日記 說是日記 其實比較像是旅遊心情或是吵架心情的紀錄吧 哈 我習慣留下和你出遊的票根 貼在日記本上 旁邊還註明自己的心情 翻著翻著 發現好像我們吵架的頻率還真不少 尤其是在我快出國的那陣子 再加上出櫃事件 我們之間一直承受著考驗 anyway,反正一切都過去了 不曉得你現在人是否還在作學業的最後衝刺 反正 我也即將回到工作崗位了 一切將回歸忙碌的工作生活 好想好想 多認識南部的朋友 這次出國的經驗 讓我深深的體驗到 有好友可以談心 可以一起出去走走看展 一起運動 是件很幸福的事情 當然不排斥再找伴XD 我想 我這次已經準備好了 Taiwan, I am back..


Zee Avi

I like her voice. The whole album is nice.

Best lines I ever heard

These lines are coming from the show called "Skins", which is a British show, and currently they have the latest season. The music is nice..I like the songs they pick. The story lines revolve around several young people, including love, sex....etc. Naomi and Emily, of course, is the best story line I love. Basic intro: Emily: one of the twin, has a big crush on Naomi since in high school Naomi: never been with girl, feel confused when she might feel something back to Emily. Some lines I adore so much: E:Twice, You are going to do me this to me twice. Naomi, no, You fucking stop right now. N: What? E:Don't you dare leave me in your bed again. (Which is rude i think!!) N:I've got to go. E:I know you, Naomi,I know you are lonely. I think you need someone to want you. Well, I do want you. So be brave. And want me back. (oh..How lovely words) Another episode: E: Come to the ball with me N: (shake the head) E: (Leaving) Don't do that. E: No, You don...


"Bloomington" Teaser from Fernanda Cardoso on Vimeo .

Skins-season4 back

Hope they keep the story line of Naomily :)