
目前顯示的是 5月, 2009的文章

lesbian friends

Please,anyone? Who can teach me to meet new lesbian friends in this so-called freedom country. I don't dance, i don't smoke, i don't drink too much. And does it mean that it kills all the opportunities that I meet new lez friends? Oh..God... All my imginations are going to vanish...

girls with short hairs

I don't know why, many guys like their girl friends with long, shiny-black hairs in TW. However, I just like girls with short hairs, not as short as man-like, but as short as Meg Ryan in "You've got mail". http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/You-ve-Got-Mail-meg-ryan-281783_400_291.jpg I found that several girls that I like before, and most of them are with short hairs, including some actresses. Natasha Richardson http://match.sina.com/index.php?op=showdiary&id=14392 Bless her, be peace. Lena Headey http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/02_01/LenaHeadey_468x635.jpg Please take more lesbian storyline movies.... I beg you~~ 上野樹里 http://p5.p.pixnet.net/albums/userpics/5/8/310158/1209841138.jpg

What My Mom Said

The following is the conversation between my mom and me. Mom: 辦事小姐打量我一下說: 妳看起來很有女人味 怎麼你女兒看起來像個小男生 我答:她不愛打扮 這是社會觀感,給人的一種印象 明明我生的是女生 為什麼會像小男生 我百思不解 Me: 其實 應該是你穿得太正式了吧 我應該還好吧 外表看起來還是女生阿 只是我喜歡穿褲子甚過於穿裙子 穿褲子讓我覺得比較舒服 比較自在 與其要滿足所有人對你的觀感 不如充實自己 讓自己過的開心來的重要 不是嗎 我們不能做到讓所有人都喜歡你 是,有些人只看外表穿著評斷一個人 但也有些人是看跟人相處後才會去評論一個人 不如 就讓我作自己吧 作一個從內散發魅力出來的"女人" 而且人會變的 至少我現在會梳頭才出門 Mom: 我沒穿很正式 只是黑色T恤┼桃紅色裙子 你高興就好 我也管不到


I have not seen this movie yet, though i think the topic is really interesting. I think this music video is produced very well.

Lily Allen-Fuck you

Nice Song~~HA (莉莉艾倫)-Lily Allen-Fuck you

How cute a couple

I am just recently addicted to this couple in "Bad Girls", which were main actress in an English lesbian TV show with three seasons. In this interview, they are just so cute.... So adorable.... Comparing to the Hot "L word", I think bad girls describe more realistic life..in fact

Women in Pool

Sensational-Pepa and Silvia