This is a shame night of democracy history in Taiwan
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Taiwanese police has beaten up unarmed protesters! 警察追打手無寸鐵的抗議民眾!
On May 24th, 2014, Taiwan experienced its darkest night ever for nearly 30 years of democratic development. In the late night, through the television and cable media, Taiwanese people witnessed the crude brutality and violence of state power in disguise of rule of law and democracy. The riot police was deployed as an insensible tool by the rulers, causing physical injuries to numerous people with great violence, without abiding by the principle of proportionality. As lawyers from the pro-bono group, we cannot endure this outrage any further.
另外我要說, 這場仗打得這麼辛苦的原因之一是傾中的媒體
Taiwanese police has beaten up unarmed protesters! 警察追打手無寸鐵的抗議民眾!
另外我要說, 這場仗打得這麼辛苦的原因之一是傾中的媒體