
目前顯示的是 1月, 2010的文章

Eloïse-lesbian scene

All right, please make sure you have a strong heart, a well pair of headphone, and enjoy it at your own private place. ps. I don't understand Spanish, but I still watched the whole movie. I guess there are two story lines going...


2010.1.25 On this day, you sent me the messages from the 2G forum. You want to exchange the MSN, I gave you mine, but it is a little bit odd cause I seldom give my msn to a stranger that I never talk to or email with. However, I believe you are an easy-going person as u describe yourself.

Ellen-my favorite talk show host

I admire her effort, and her honesty to herself.

Les Chansons d'Amour

I am dying to see this movie. But..I don't know French at all. Anyone can translate what they are singing? I roughly skip these clips on youtube, and found it includes not only 3p but also gay stories. Interested already? Please....anyone can translate???? oh..I love the song they sang together at the end of this clip.. Sounds like t'our t'our.. something like that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES0ur9fvRi8

kissing you-one of my favorite song

The melody is a little bit sad,though. Someone is there. Someone is your soul mate. You just never met. Don't waste your love on the wrong person. You, deserve the true love.


I remembered I saw the trailer before on youtube. Wish I can see the whole movie by any chance, of course, with English subtitles. Anyway...here is the kissing scene. After all, it is a movie. I will definitely find a shelter if the rain is so heavy...XD

simone's open letter

Haha...Are you following up the series? She is so seriously funny. And thank god, I don't have similar problem as she has.

The Four-Faced Liar

The story sounds familiar like the Spanish movie that I introduced before.

a big shiny family

Ghosted ai-mei

我不曉得為什麼這部片名叫做曖昧 之前聽說在台灣宣傳的蠻大的 尤其是當有政治人物女兒涉及演出時 anyway. 最近看到有人放上土豆 也不曉得會不會哪天被撤下來 畢竟裡頭有露點的鏡頭 (外國人的都這麼粉嫩嗎..羞) anyway..我還蠻喜歡劇中柯奐如和德國女主角的互動的 撇開女同劇情不談 從一個外國人的鏡頭 來看自己生長的故鄉 感覺還蠻奇妙的 ps..我覺得那個德國律師還蠻帥氣的..有被電到 哈 怎麼我就都沒這種被搭訕的機會捏 我也要喝茶啦>.

anyone but me-cute casts

They are trying to guess the story line in season 2. They are so funny..

蔡健雅 「誰」

It looks like NY? Tanya, again you created one song that matches my feeling!

anyone but me

Season2 is back


傳聞是最後一集了 雖然最終沒說出口 但我相信相愛的兩人 終究能感受到不能少了彼此的那種依賴以及關心吧