
目前顯示的是 7月, 2009的文章

sugar rush

An old TV show from England, but I just saw this MV recently. I like the backgrond music, which is so soft. Also, I like Saint...haha Her tatoo is also cute~~


Sugared Peas

too bad, they can't tell each other's true feeling.


I have been following this series for a long while. My resouce is : you tube no doubt. Thanks god that some one put the English subtitile. That I can understand the whole Spanish story. Anyway,the story line is going to the preparation of Pepa/Silvia's wedding. In this clip, they mention AJ.. HAHA...it is quite cute comment on AJ coming from Silvia.

Russian lesbian movie-sister

It is not a new movie; however, I think this MV was well edited.

why 不分

很多人不懂"不分"這個名詞定義 異性戀不懂 男同性戀不懂 很多拉子也是不懂 why 不分? 那我可以先問你們 那你們怎麼分嗎? 外表打扮? 穿裙的就是婆,穿褲子的就是踢? 可是我都會穿怎麼辦 床上主被動? 激情來了 有在分主被動的嗎 >. come on....is it really a big deal? 所以我說我很羨慕外國拉 為什麼人家可以不用這樣強調自己的性別認同 都已經自我認同是拉了 為什麼還要去認同自己是踢還是婆阿 莫名其妙 I respect..all people with your own identification and sex orientation, so please give us some resepect too.. What's wrong with 不分? 有這麼難理解嗎? 就是覺得不需要硬是把自己貼一個標籤阿 喜歡女人就這樣 That's so simple and easy.... 我還記得被我媽面對面質詢時 我媽問我 那你是踢還是婆? well my answer is......都不是 .....

Gimme Sugar: Miami

Yeap..I have already promoted this tv show previously. But, please forgive me, I really want to share this show if you have not a chance to watch it. PLUS, this girl is so cute. And I missed Miami beach so badly...... More great videos from DowneTV on DowneLink.com, the biggest gay social network

The Ellen Chart

If you are familiar with L word, then you should be familiar with Alice's chart as well. This weekend I was so bored, but I found this series of clips that are not only related to lesbian story lines but also Ellen. HaHa.. It is really a brilliant idea. One of the clips: And I choose this one, because I like Jorja Fox.

Pink - Sober

It is damn sexy...in the final part Pink - Sober - New Official Video

Out at the wedding

This is the most hilarious, lovely movie that I have ever seen. Older sister: single or engaged? lesbian or dating a black man? Younger sister: married a man or in love with a woman? Dana: he or she? Well....it is a really interesting movie, which revolves around many lies. Trailer: By the way, I watched the whole movie from you tube. Despite the first clip is without sound, the rest of clips are fine. If you can read Spanish, even better. clips:

beautiful woman-MV

I like this singer since her first album. Someone may guess her sex orientatin, well...it really doesn't matter, isn't it? At least, she is frinedly to gay people.

Back from San francisco 2009 Parade

體驗過舊金山的大遊行 一切都值得了 不知道是自己心理作祟 還是真的整個城市 就是這種氣氛 走在街上 格外的感覺輕鬆自在 第一次看到這麼多的彩虹旗 相反的 也看到了頂著宗教的名義 大肆的對同志 發出不友善之聲的路人 (還當場看到他被潑水) 這就是自由發言,自我表現的城市 看著同志家庭 看著相伴十幾年的伴侶 看著支持同志的異性戀朋友 看著一群群為著不同的目標走上街頭的人 心中 一直是感動著的 看著PARADE 逛著一個個攤位 相機記憶體即使殺光了 還是不足以紀念當下的每一刻 帶著遊行隊伍分發的戰利品 坐在公車上 不會有人對你冷眼 而是對你微笑 這一切 都值得了