I don't know why, many guys like their girl friends with long, shiny-black hairs in TW. However, I just like girls with short hairs, not as short as man-like, but as short as Meg Ryan in "You've got mail". http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/You-ve-Got-Mail-meg-ryan-281783_400_291.jpg I found that several girls that I like before, and most of them are with short hairs, including some actresses. Natasha Richardson http://match.sina.com/index.php?op=showdiary&id=14392 Bless her, be peace. Lena Headey http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/02_01/LenaHeadey_468x635.jpg Please take more lesbian storyline movies.... I beg you~~ 上野樹里 http://p5.p.pixnet.net/albums/userpics/5/8/310158/1209841138.jpg