
目前顯示的是 5月, 2012的文章


今天偶然聽到這首歌 發現 這首歌詞寫的很貼切我現在的生活 而現在 最懂我的人 即將要來跟我一起生活了 哇呼呼 哈哈哈

short lesbian movie

For those who like to watch short lesbian video, here is the way to find the collection: http://www.youtube.com/user/EmmaBomkact Sometimes you don't need a line, and the story speaks to you~ Here is the example:


They are all my faults: being getting used to hearing your voice all the time not thinking of particular "topic" during the conversation not necessary checking status all the time pushing too hard to come out not being used to getting invisible being to hard to communicate being expressing emotion too easily the list will be growing as we are being together longer


http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/vVQlJs53z8Q 片長約103min, 要耐心讓影片緩衝跑完, 不然會斷斷續續等到內出血 It is about Prop8, 一個之前加州有關禁止同性婚姻的提案 後來被法官裁定違憲...

Tierra de Lobos

I am not sure if I shared this video before or not. But this is video is hot, and amazing that I found some clips with Thai or Korean subtitles... I didn't have a chance to scan all the videos, but I guess it is about the struggle between family, religion and women's love.

Lip Service 2

Lip service is coming back~

She-Thai lesbian movie
