
目前顯示的是 5月, 2010的文章

2010.5.27 my place

This is the first time that you stay over my place. I am kind of nervous because you finally came to my own private room. I enjoy spending the whole day with you. I like to have your accompany when I wake up the next morning. Also,I like to wake you up with my soft touch. GOD, I am just starting to get used to the extra pillow on my bed. How come the time passed so fast? Will these days be the prep for the future that only belongs to us?


You know that I am in such a weird situation at home now. My parents treat me so differently in the recent. I am not sure whether it is related to our regular dating or not. Because of this, I am not willing but have to sacrifice our time. However, I do value our relationship, and I won't let you go. So please stay with me during this period....

Trailer musical "Habitación en Roma" [Alta calidad]


It makes sense when you are really in love.

2010.5.19 山地門

第一次和你看電影 是輕鬆有趣的"備胎女王" 看預告的時候 就覺得這部片很有趣 果然~~~ 數度被妳制止我狂妄的大笑(羞) 哈哈 今天你特別大膽 似乎不在乎隔壁排的情侶檔 不過 我還是覺得不太好意思XD 下午你帶我去山地門 這是我第一次來這裡 看了很多原住民的部落展示 不過也許因為不是周末日 民眾比較少 不過也好 這樣我們拍照才不會時有路人入鏡XD 晚上到你工作的地方 總算見識到平常電話中另一頭你 在跟我通話時的空間 跟我想像中的完全不一樣呢XD ps第一次到你地盤 卻忍不住的不安分地鬧著你 哈哈

2010.5.15-16 Kenting (2)

這不是我第一次來墾丁 但卻是我第一次覺得墾丁這麼好玩 也許是因為有你的關係 我們在關山消磨時光一整個下午 享受著微風 看著夕陽 我們玩拍照玩瘋了 我好喜歡這樣賴著你 要你陪著我一起拍照 晚上的墾丁大街 擠滿了人 我真的好不喜歡人肉沙丁魚的感覺 除了人與人碰撞外 還有別人的汗水滴到我身上的噁心... 好不容易買齊了食物 你領我到了海灘上 就這樣 我們在海灘上 摸黑的野餐著 你總是記得我的話 因為我曾經跟你提過 我想像中的浪漫是什麼 在海灘上兩人牽著手 赤腳踩在沙灘上漫步著 看著海 點個蠟燭 喝點紅酒 呵呵 看來我是個好萊嗚電影中毒太深的少女... 這天的晚上 星空很美 我們肩並肩的躺在海灘上 遠方傳來優閒的音樂 吹著舒服的海風 這一刻 我好想好想 擁抱著你 真希望時間就這樣停住 最後一天在墾丁了 好不想回去高雄 好不想離開這裡充滿兩人回憶的地方 好不想回去上班 但現實總是該面對 你說我怎麼看起來悶悶的 其實是真的很捨不得 又要跟你分開 我不敢想像 到時候飛離的情境 我只想好好把握 這段在台灣和你相處的時間 最後一天 你還是帶我去看了我最愛的海景 雖然沒有白沙可以踩 但日落真的很美 雖然跑了幾間你想去吃的美食攤 都落空 但我相信 我們還是有機會陪你去吃的 妳真的是老饕 很擔心你來給美國 可能會瘦一大圈 因為你大概無法忍受我在美國吃東西的習慣吧 哈哈 XD

2010.5.14 Kenting (1)

It is the first time that we spent the night toghether for the whole weekend. I keep thinking about you and this trip all day long, and I can't wait to finish the work and rush back home to meet with you. You gave me your homemade bread, which made me satisfied and blessed, you know I like the bread, isn't it? It is the night, it is the time that belongs to us. I hug you and fell asleep. Baby, you are mine........


今天 離上次見面有超過一周的時間 一見面 就好想好想抱著你 可是baby總是害怕被看到... 中午你帶我去吃佐佐義 我喜歡那邊的氣氛 你點的烤田螺是我第一次嘗試 很不錯 只是味道很特別 :) 你還是點了白酒蛤蠣義大利麵 (印象中前次在其他餐廳你也是點了一樣的) 只是喉嚨這幾天真的痛得不舒服 還是得請你帶我去看醫生 其實心中百般不願意 總覺得看醫生 不是個約會的好選項>.< 被人在屁股扎了一針 著實的酸痛 讓我坐也不是 站也不是 還好妳體貼的替我按摩 只是 喜歡煞風景的停車收費員 又突然冒出頭來 >< 害我無法索吻成功 真是.... 不曉得是不是藥效的關係 一吃完藥 就開始覺得昏沉 好像數度在你車上睡著 連開往晚餐的用餐地點也是 希望沒有打呼XD 夜晚的駁二 很寧靜 少了腳踏車族 少了展場的民眾 只有夜的黑 與兩顆熾熱的心 我可以感受到你內心的渴望 當然  我也是 只是 有個喜歡走路繞圈圈的阿桑 一直破壞那美好的氣氛>< 迫不及待 與你出遊的日子 快到了 但 是不是 機會也越來越少了....


是習慣嗎 還是制約反射 我好像開車時 習慣性的戴上耳機 播出這支你為我特地辦的號碼 是依戀嗎 怎麼睡前的電話 怎麼聊都聊不完 雖然每天都是帶著睡意出門 很內疚的叫醒你 聽著你睡意濃濃的聲音 可是 卻讓我滿足的 迎接每一天的開始


Today is really exhausted, but I am so excited to meet u tonight. We went to Midtown, a little bit American style restaurant. I like the bagel and the cheese cake they provided. Sometimes, you stared at me with your charming eyes and blinks. So cute you are~~~ I can't wait to hold your hands on the street, yes I think I have fallen in love with you.


Sadly, I need to work this Saturday. But I am so excited to go out with you today, because we can be together for whole day long. We went to 橋頭糖廠, I really liked this place, the breeze, the plants, music, and your company. Tonight, I can't wait to introduce my old lez friend to you. I am a picky person, and I am glad that I accept you eventually.


it seems

It seems that we know each other for a long while, but we are actually just officially together for a week or so. I like the maturity u have, and the sense of safety you gave me. Thank you to accept me as your partner, regardless the future plan I have. I am also glad I accept you as my partner, that I can both focus on my work and enjoy your company at the same time. I am surprised that so many similarities we have, thank God to let me meet you.