
目前顯示的是 10月, 2009的文章

A review of lesbian movies

How many have you seen? As to me? Maybe more than half....

Grey's anotomy..s6 ep5

In this episode, there is a story line revolves around with the coming out and religious struggle. Some lines are quoted: When my father heard that I was a lesbien, he said he only had one question, I was prepared for "how fast can you get the hell out of my house" but instead, it was "are you still who I raised you to be" "my father is not a man who bends, but he bends for me, because I am his daughter"

Israeli Lesbians Kissing Scenes

是我錯覺嗎? 編劇喜歡配對金髮跟黑髮女人在一起?! 什麼時候來個亞洲人跟阿兜啊~~~


First part...太彆扭了吧>. and second part...頻頻被打斷的床戲 Although I can't understand Spanish, well...I think I can guess the following story. And of course, get rid of the bf. Who can say no to a woman? XD Cute couple~~

Today speech

Today I went to a symposium talking about the teenager social networking site. The content is quite interesting and I think I am so deeply attracted by the speaker also. dana boyd, her blog: http://www.danah.org/ see the small icon on her website link? :) I like this picture http://www.danah.org/images/SpeakingLeWeb.jpg She is so cool that she insits not to use capital letter in her name to pursuit the symmetric between d & b She also mentioned a little bit about queer research she is interested.. that most of the queers are being told not to be out...balabala.. wondering has she out already XD haha She is single, no family burrden, fulls a lot of patience about research.. I like her..ha


在首頁右欄多增加了幾個的部落格連結, 其中有兩個是各記錄兩對拉子媽媽的心得 另一個是紀錄一對couple的日常生活點滴 (插圖超好笑) 有時候會覺得 拉子族群很少 不過偶爾在網路上看到別人分享他們拉子情侶/夫妻間的生活點滴 才赫然發現 其實大家都是各自的生活著 就跟一般人一樣 沒什麼特別的 anyway.我只要看到有在一起很久的情侶 就會特別覺得很羨慕 另外也很佩服他們的勇氣 一起共同承擔許多的社會/家庭壓力..... 然後就會覺得 也許哪天自己的另外一半 也會就這樣不期而遇呢XD

Love Songs

"Love me less but love me for a long time"

Classic lesbian kissing scenes


BE SURE YOU ARE OVER 18 And with Strong Heart~~~

Lovely Lily Loveless again

coming out story

More great videos from DowneTV on DowneLink.com, the biggest gay social network I like her mom said" what's the big deal?"